The focus in this area is to regulate your Serotonin levels and improve positive mood-
Saffron has been extensively tested and used with great success.
CogniSerine: a fat soluble phospholipid with Phosphatidylserine as the active ingredient. This ingredient is most abundant in the human brain and is important in neuronal membrane functions such as signal transduction, secretory vesicle release, cell-to-cell communication and cell growth regulation. Phosphatidylserine is also a component in the mitochondrial membrane where it might function as a metabolic reservoir for other phospholipids. The clinical application for usage includes: Age-related cognitive decline, ADD & ADHD, prevention of stress related cortisol elevations as well as the prevention of Anxiety and Dementia.
Exhilrin: this is a great blend of Holy Basil, Ashwagandha and Bacopa for brain health, mood, concentration and to keep the mind calm and prevent anxiety.
Bacognise: the product contains an extract of Bacopa Monnieri whole herb which has been shown to help with memory, cognition, neuroprotective, neuro-inflammation, lowering the stress response, improvement in sleep and improved focus and attention.